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Work With Moshi Media
Lucas da Silva Maria
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Idioma - Language
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Você trabalha com que tipo de tradução?
Para legendas
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How should we address you?
Your source language(s)
Afrikaans (af)
Afrikaans (af)
Albanian (sq)
Apache languages (apa)
Arabic (ar)
Armenian (hy)
Azerbaijani (az)
Baltic languages (baltic)
Bashkir (ba)
Basque (eu)
Basque (eu)
Belarusian (be)
Bengali (bn)
Bosnian (bs)
Breton (br)
Bulgarian (bg)
Burmese (my)
Burmese (my)
Catalan; Valencian (ca)
Chechen (ce)
Chinese (zh)
Chinese (zh)
Cornish (kw)
Corsican (co)
Croatian (hr)
Czech (cs)
Danish (da)
Dutch (nl)
English (en)
Esperanto (eo)
Estonian (et)
Faroese (fo)
Finnish (fi)
Finnish (fi)
French (fr)
French (fr)
French (fr)
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic (gd)
Galician (gl)
Georgian (ka)
German (de)
Greek (el)
Guarani (gn)
Haitian; Haitian Creole (ht)
Hawaiian (hw)
Hebrew (he)
Hindi (hi)
Hungarian (hu)
Icelandic (is)
Indonesian (id)
Irish (ga)
Iroquoian languages ()
Italian (it)
Japanese (ja)
Javanese (jv)
Kashmiri (ks)
Korean (ko)
Kurdish (ku)
Latin (la)
Latvian (lv)
Lithuanian (lt)
Macedonian (mk)
Malay (ms)
Maori (mi)
Mongolian (mn)
Montenegrin (mg)
Nepali (ne)
Norwegian (no)
Panjabi; Punjabi (pa)
Persian (fa)
Philippine languages (ph)
Polish (pl)
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-BR)
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)
Quechua (qu)
Romanian (ro)
Romany (ry)
Russian (ru)
Samoan (sm)
Serbian (sr)
Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)
Slovak (sk)
Slovenian (sl)
Somali (so)
Spanish (Latam) (es)
Spanish (Spain) (es-ES)
Spanish Castilian (es-CAS)
Swahili (sw)
Swedish (sv)
Swiss (swi)
Syriac (sy)
Tahitian (ty)
Thai (th)
Tibetan (bo)
Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant)
Turkish (tr)
Uighur; Uyghur (ug)
Ukrainian (uk)
Urdu (ur)
Uzbek (uz)
Vietnamese (vi)
Welsh (cy)
Yiddish (yi)
Zhuang; Chuang (za)
Zulu (zu)
Papiamentu (pap)
Your target language(s)
Afrikaans (af)
Afrikaans (af)
Albanian (sq)
Apache languages (apa)
Arabic (ar)
Armenian (hy)
Azerbaijani (az)
Baltic languages (baltic)
Bashkir (ba)
Basque (eu)
Basque (eu)
Belarusian (be)
Bengali (bn)
Bosnian (bs)
Breton (br)
Bulgarian (bg)
Burmese (my)
Burmese (my)
Catalan; Valencian (ca)
Chechen (ce)
Chinese (zh)
Chinese (zh)
Cornish (kw)
Corsican (co)
Croatian (hr)
Czech (cs)
Danish (da)
Dutch (nl)
English (en)
Esperanto (eo)
Estonian (et)
Faroese (fo)
Finnish (fi)
Finnish (fi)
French (fr)
French (fr)
French (fr)
Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic (gd)
Galician (gl)
Georgian (ka)
German (de)
Greek (el)
Guarani (gn)
Haitian; Haitian Creole (ht)
Hawaiian (hw)
Hebrew (he)
Hindi (hi)
Hungarian (hu)
Icelandic (is)
Indonesian (id)
Irish (ga)
Iroquoian languages ()
Italian (it)
Japanese (ja)
Javanese (jv)
Kashmiri (ks)
Korean (ko)
Kurdish (ku)
Latin (la)
Latvian (lv)
Lithuanian (lt)
Macedonian (mk)
Malay (ms)
Maori (mi)
Mongolian (mn)
Montenegrin (mg)
Nepali (ne)
Norwegian (no)
Panjabi; Punjabi (pa)
Persian (fa)
Philippine languages (ph)
Polish (pl)
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt-BR)
Portuguese (Portugal) (pt)
Quechua (qu)
Romanian (ro)
Romany (ry)
Russian (ru)
Samoan (sm)
Serbian (sr)
Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans)
Slovak (sk)
Slovenian (sl)
Somali (so)
Spanish (Latam) (es)
Spanish (Spain) (es-ES)
Spanish Castilian (es-CAS)
Swahili (sw)
Swedish (sv)
Swiss (swi)
Syriac (sy)
Tahitian (ty)
Thai (th)
Tibetan (bo)
Traditional Chinese (zh-Hant)
Turkish (tr)
Uighur; Uyghur (ug)
Ukrainian (uk)
Urdu (ur)
Uzbek (uz)
Vietnamese (vi)
Welsh (cy)
Yiddish (yi)
Zhuang; Chuang (za)
Zulu (zu)
Papiamentu (pap)
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You can upload up to 4 files.
Content Restriction
Religious (Christian Content)
Religious (Any Religious Content)
Adult Content
Gender Sensitive (LGBTQ+)
Do you have any restriction of work with any kind of content? Please mark all fields you strongly refuse to work.
In the field of SUBTITLING you would work as a translator and/or a proofreader. As a translator, you will always receive a timed script to work with. Therefore, you won't need to timestamp/ressync the subtitles.
Would you like to work with subtitling?
For Subtitle Translation, what would your rates be? (USD/min)
Selected Value:
For Subtitle Proofreading, what would your rates be? (USD/min)
Selected Value:
Quanto você cobra pela tradução de legendas? (R$/min)
Selected Value:
Você não vai precisar sincronizar/adicionar "timecodes".
Quanto você cobra pela revisão de legendas? (R$/min)
Selected Value:
Subtitling Test
We appreciate your time contacting us. We would like to evaluate your subtitling skills with a short test. To take the test: 1) Download the video and the original subtitle file here:
. 2) Translate the subtitle file according to the Netflix Guidelines for your target language using a subtitling software of your choice. To access the Netflix Style Guide for your language, simply search for "Your Language + Timed Text Style Guide". 3) Deliver a subtitle file with an .SRT extension. Do your QC and deliver the translated file error-free. 4) It is very important that you obey a character limitation of 17 CPS and 42 CPL. Have in mind that this is the criterion that most disqualifies translators for our test. The fact that the English original .SRT file surpasses those parameters doesn't mean that your translation should not fit into them. I also understand that for some languages there is a higher level of tolerance for these parameters, but for this test please use CPS 17 and CPL 42 for all lines. If you use a common text editor to do the translation, instead of a proper subtitling software, you will fail the test, because you won't be able to control the CPS and CPL parameters. We suggest that you use Subtitle Edit. Make sure you set your subtitling software to take white spaces into consideration for the CPS count. 5) Please, do not alter in any way the timecodes of the test file, which includes joining lines, merging lines or stretching the beginning or ending of the lines to make the CPS easier to fit. The test file has 50 lines and, if you eliver a file with a different number of lines, it means that you have changed the sync. After you deliver the file, the recruiter will import the timecodes from the original file into your file to make sure the sync is exactly the same. 6) File naming: Add your name and the target language to the file name before delivering. Example: If my name is Lucas Maria and I'll translate the test to Brazilian Portuguese, the file name will be "". 7) Finally, upload your test below.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
In the field of DUBBING you would work as a translator and/or a proofreader. As a translator, you will always receive a timed script to work with. Therefore, you won't need to timestamp/ressync the script.
Would you like to work with dubbing?
For Dubbing Translation (without Timecoding), what would your rates be? (USD/min)
Selected Value:
For Dubbing Proofreading, what would your rates be? (USD/min)
Selected Value:
Quanto você cobra pela tradução de script de dublagem? (R$/min)
Selected Value:
Você não vai precisar sincronizar/adicionar "timecodes".
Quanto você cobra pela revisão de script de dublagem? (R$/min)
Selected Value:
Translation for Dubbing Test
We appreciate your time contacting us. We would like to evaluate your translation for dubbing with a short test. To take the test: 1) Download the video and the original script here:
. 2) We won't provide a style manual, so translate the file according to the standards that you apply in your practice. 3) Deliver a .DOCX file. Do your QC and deliver the translated file error-free. 4) It is very important that you observe lip sync. Please, don't forget to add the appropriate reactions and to create an identification for the characters. 5) Feel free to add lines and alter the timecodes as you see fit. 6) File naming: Add your name and the target language to the file name before delivering. Example: If my name is Lucas Maria and I'll translate the test to Brazilian Portuguese, the file name will be "dub_test_dp_LucasMaria_PTBR.docx". 7) Finally, upload your test below.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Our payment terms are 30, 40 and 60 days depending on the client and project. We only work with bank transfers.